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Draw Arrow

Dessiner des flèches. Fichier à déposer dans le dossier utilisateur script.

; Berengar W. Lehr (
; Medical Physics Group, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
; Jena University Hospital, 07743 Jena, Thueringen, Germany
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; If you use this script and/or like it the author would be happy to
; receive a postcard from you: 
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; Versionhistory:
;   11/10/2009 first release
;   11/15/2009 Added fixed brush width and double headed error, removed bug 1) one-point-paths, 2) horizontal paths
;   11/16/2009 Fixed image type restriction string
;   11/19/2009 Added feature for absolute wing length, fixed handling gray-scale images
;   25/01/2010 Fixed fixed opacity bug (thanks to Richard)
(define pi (* 4 (atan 1.0)))
        ; calculate absolute angle of both wings in image from relative angle 
        ; between wings and arrow-tail and absolut angle of arrow-tail
        (theArrowAngle (if (= (- inPointToY inPointFromY) 0)
            (/ pi (if (< (- inPointToX inPointFromX) 0) 2 -2))
            (+ (atan (/ (- inPointToX inPointFromX) (- inPointToY inPointFromY))) (if (> inPointToY inPointFromY) pi 0))
        (theLeftAngle  (+ theArrowAngle WingAngle))
        (theRightAngle (- theArrowAngle WingAngle))
        ; calculate end points of both wings
        (theLeftWingEndPointX  (+ inPointToX (* theWingLength (sin theLeftAngle))))
        (theLeftWingEndPointY  (+ inPointToY (* theWingLength (cos theLeftAngle))))
        (theRightWingEndPointX (+ inPointToX (* theWingLength (sin theRightAngle))))
        (theRightWingEndPointY (+ inPointToY (* theWingLength (cos theRightAngle))))
        (points          (cons-array 4 'double))
        (theMiddleWingEndPointX 0)    (theMiddleWingEndPointY 0)
		(PreviousOpacity 100.0)
		(set! PreviousOpacity (car (gimp-context-get-opacity)))
		(gimp-context-set-opacity 100.0)
        ; collect points for arrow-tail and draw them
        (aset points 0 inPointToX)               (aset points 1 inPointToY)
        (aset points 2 inPointFromX)             (aset points 3 inPointFromY)
        (gimp-paintbrush-default drawable 4 points) (set! points (cons-array 4 'double))
        ; accordingly for left wing
        (aset points 0 inPointToX)               (aset points 1 inPointToY)
        (aset points 2 theLeftWingEndPointX)     (aset points 3 theLeftWingEndPointY)
        (gimp-paintbrush-default drawable 4 points) (set! points (cons-array 4 'double))
        ; accordingly for right wing
        (aset points 0 inPointToX)               (aset points 1 inPointToY)
        (aset points 2 theRightWingEndPointX)    (aset points 3 theRightWingEndPointY)
        (gimp-paintbrush-default drawable 4 points)
        ; only if head is to be filled
        (if (= FullHead 1) (begin
            ; calculate intersection of connection between the wings end points and arrow tail
            ; shrink distance between this point and arrow head if MiddlePoint < 100
            (set! theMiddleWingEndPointX (+ inPointToX 
                                            (* (/ MiddlePoint 100) (- (/ (+ theLeftWingEndPointX theRightWingEndPointX) 2) inPointToX))
            (set! theMiddleWingEndPointY (+ inPointToY
                                            (* (/ MiddlePoint 100) (- (/ (+ theLeftWingEndPointY theRightWingEndPointY) 2) inPointToY))
            ; collect points for left wing end - intersection - right wing end & draw it
            (set! points (cons-array 6 'double))
            (aset points 0 theLeftWingEndPointX)      (aset points 1 theLeftWingEndPointY)
            (aset points 2 theMiddleWingEndPointX)    (aset points 3 theMiddleWingEndPointY)
            (aset points 4 theRightWingEndPointX)     (aset points 5 theRightWingEndPointY)
            (gimp-paintbrush-default drawable 6 points)
            ; collect points to create selection which will be filled with FG color
            (set! points (cons-array 8 'double))
            (aset points 0 inPointToX)                (aset points 1 inPointToY)
            (aset points 2 theLeftWingEndPointX)      (aset points 3 theLeftWingEndPointY)
            (aset points 4 theMiddleWingEndPointX)    (aset points 5 theMiddleWingEndPointY)
            (aset points 6 theRightWingEndPointX) (aset points 7 theRightWingEndPointY)
            (gimp-free-select image 8 points CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE TRUE FALSE 0)
            (gimp-edit-bucket-fill drawable FG-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL-MODE 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
            (gimp-selection-none image)
		(gimp-context-set-opacity PreviousOpacity)
        ) ; begin
    ) ; let
) ; define
        image drawable
        ; LineThicknessRatio
        ; BrushThickness
        (theActiveVector (car   (gimp-image-get-active-vectors image)))
        (theFirstStroke  0)          (theStrokePoints 0)
        (theNumPoints    0)
        (inPoint_1X      0)          (inPoint_1Y      0)
        (inPoint_2X      0)          (inPoint_2Y      0)
        (theArrowLength 0)            (theWingLength 0)
        (oldLayer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))
        (brushName    "arrowBrush")
        (oldBrushName (car (gimp-context-get-brush)))
        (if (not (= theActiveVector -1)) (begin
            (gimp-image-undo-group-start image)
            ; create new layer if asked to do so
            (if (= useNewLayer 1) (begin
                (set! drawable (car (gimp-layer-new image (car (gimp-image-width     image))
                                                          (car (gimp-image-height    image))
                                                          (+ 1 (* 2 (car (gimp-image-base-type image))))
                                                          "Arrow" 100 NORMAL-MODE )))
                (gimp-image-add-layer image drawable 0)
                ; set new layer completely transparent
                (gimp-layer-add-mask drawable (car (gimp-layer-create-mask drawable ADD-BLACK-MASK)))
                (gimp-layer-remove-mask drawable MASK-APPLY)
            ; get path/vector points
            (set! theFirstStroke  (aref  (cadr (gimp-vectors-get-strokes theActiveVector)) 0))
            (set! theStrokePoints (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theActiveVector theFirstStroke)))
            (set! theNumPoints    (cadr  (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theActiveVector theFirstStroke)))
            ; get position of arrow head and arrow tail from active vector
            (set! inPoint_1X    (aref theStrokePoints 2))
            (set! inPoint_1Y    (aref theStrokePoints 3))
            (set! inPoint_2X    (aref theStrokePoints (- theNumPoints 4)))
            (set! inPoint_2Y    (aref theStrokePoints (- theNumPoints 3)))
            ; calculate length of arrows depending on the length of the whole arrow
            (define (sqr x) (* x x))
            (set! theArrowLength (exp (* 0.5 (log (+ (sqr (- inPoint_1X inPoint_2X)) (sqr (- inPoint_1Y inPoint_2Y)))))))
            (if (< WingLengthRatio 0)
            	(set! theWingLength (* theArrowLength (/ -1 WingLengthRatio)))
            	(set! theWingLength WingLengthRatio)
            ; define new brush for drawing operation
            (gimp-brush-new brushName)
            (gimp-brush-set-shape brushName BRUSH-GENERATED-CIRCLE)    (gimp-brush-set-spikes brushName 2)
            (gimp-brush-set-hardness brushName 1.00)                   (gimp-brush-set-aspect-ratio brushName 1.0)
            (gimp-brush-set-angle brushName 0.0)                       (gimp-brush-set-spacing brushName 1.0)
            ; set radius of brush according to length of arrow
            (if (< BrushThicknessOrRatio 0)
                (gimp-brush-set-radius brushName (/ theArrowLength (* BrushThicknessOrRatio -1)))
                (gimp-brush-set-radius brushName BrushThicknessOrRatio)
            (gimp-context-set-brush brushName)
            (if (or (= useFirstPointArrowAsHead 1) (= useDoubleHeadArrow 1))
                (script-fu-help-1Arrow inPoint_1X inPoint_1Y inPoint_2X inPoint_2Y theWingLength (* (/ WingAngle 180) pi) drawable image FullHead MiddlePoint))
            (if (or (= useFirstPointArrowAsHead 0) (= useDoubleHeadArrow 1))
                (script-fu-help-1Arrow inPoint_2X inPoint_2Y inPoint_1X inPoint_1Y theWingLength (* (/ WingAngle 180) pi) drawable image FullHead MiddlePoint))
            (gimp-context-set-brush oldBrushName)
            (gimp-brush-delete brushName)
            (if (= usePathThenRemove 1) (gimp-image-remove-vectors image theActiveVector))
            (if (= useNewLayer 1) (begin
                (plug-in-autocrop-layer TRUE image drawable)
                (gimp-image-set-active-layer image oldLayer)
            (gimp-image-undo-group-end image)
        )(gimp-message "This script needs a path with two points\nto position the arrow head and tail (first and last point of path is used)"))
    ) ; let*
); define
; Register the function with GIMP:
(script-fu-register "script-fu-draw-arrow"
  _"Draw a nearly arbitrary arrow in your image"
  "Berengar W. Lehr <>"
  "2009, Berengar W. Lehr / MPG@IDIR, UH Jena, Germany."
  "19th November 2009"
  SF-IMAGE       "The image"   0
  SF-DRAWABLE    "The drawable"   0
  SF-ADJUSTMENT  "Length of wings (LoW = AL/X) *" '(-2.5 -100 500 10 1 1 1)
  SF-ADJUSTMENT  "Angle between arrow and wing in degree" '(25 5 85 5 15 0 0)
  SF-TOGGLE      "Fill head of arrow?" TRUE
  SF-ADJUSTMENT  "Percentage size of notch of arrow head\n(only valid if head of arrow is filled)" '(75 0 100 1 10 0 1)
  SF-ADJUSTMENT  "Brush Thickness* (BS = AL/X)" '(-25 -500 500 1 10 0 1)
  SF-TOGGLE      "Use first path point as arrow head?\n(if not the last path point of is used as arrow head)" TRUE
  SF-TOGGLE      "Delete path after arrow was drawn?" FALSE
  SF-TOGGLE      "Use new layer for arrow?" TRUE
  SF-TOGGLE      "Draw double headed arrow?" FALSE
  SF-TOGGLE		 "*) Positive values stand for absolute pixel size,\nnegative for values relative to arrow length\n(the value of this checkbox is ignored)" FALSE
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-draw-arrow" "<Image>/Tools/")